Usage of computer robotics automated systems in industry and life of Switzerland


1. Automation and robots in Switzerland.

2. Automation in the world — statistics and trends.

3. What positions are most at risk today in Switzerland.

4. Where robots are in service in Switzerland today.

5. The financial contribution of the state in the development of robotics.

6. Da Vinci robot




1. Automation and robots in Switzerland.

   According to the world intellectual property organization, Switzerland is a world leader in innovation. In our modern age more and more tasks are automated systems, it accelerates the processes and makes them more accurate and reducing costs. The overall result is quite positive, but global automation is one significant disadvantage — where the robots practically do not need people, against the background of existing in Switzerland, unemployment threatens to become a serious problem. What he says about this issue, the world economic forum and what effect have robots in Switzerland will tell our professionals today.

2. Automation in the world — statistics and trends.

    Production in Sveicarijos the world economic forum survey showed that, over time, about 5 million people will lose their jobs in connection with the implementation of advanced technologies that more than two-thirds of the Swiss population today. While simultaneously will create about 2 million jobs in the service and execution of associated tasks. Thus optimization of processes will lead to a loss in the amount of 3 million people around the world. However, to assess the impact of automation on the individual countries somewhat more difficult because of different production conditions and similar factors. So, in the United States expect to lose 50% of jobs, allowing the use of robots. Today, many in low paid jobs occupied by robots. It is not expected to a large number of new posts in return. Consulting company of Confederation's own estimates claims that 50% of the positions of the robots in Switzerland can be reached by 2025.

3. What positions are most at risk today in Switzerland.

 Of existing positions with accuracy, you can call one that will not soon be replaced by robots. The likelihood that senior staff will get laid off because of automation, is only 2%. To manage these or other workflows artificial intelligence is not yet able, despite all the progress in recent years, so while the leaders can breathe a sigh of relief. However, how long they will stay out of risk zone, no one knows. As for the other posts, the possibility of their automation, still very varies and depends on the level of technology development. Suffers the area of administration and consumer services, where the possibility of full automation is 97%. This means loss of jobs for 31 thousand employees around the world. Approximately the same situation today there are workers for which the probability of automation is 95%, and then another 13 thousand places will take the robots in Switzerland. Are at risk and occupations, such as carpenters, technicians, and various professionals of the construction sector. With high probability 92%  35 thousands of workers will lose their jobs. Somewhat lower risks for the employees of the agriculture — 77%. A little less than the risks from unskilled laborers whose activities will be replaced by robots in Switzerland with a probability of 71%. According to statistics 66% probability of automation have several industries like handicraft production, management of heavy equipment. Various technical personnel have only a 45% probability of replacement by machines, and staff education can consider yourself one of the almost indispensable today — the probability for them is only 20%.

4. Where robots are in service in Switzerland today.

In reality, many industries today are streamlining workflows, resorting to the help of robots of different types. The above statistics are correct, most of the automation for the areas of administration and service, in part to some areas like construction. A vivid example — passing automation in the field of searching for new employees. Today HR managers simplify the search process for using a special robotic programs, but gradually they become assistants, and the direct employees of the company. The recruitment process is very time consuming particularly affects larger firms with high turnover of personnel. And if for some positions, employers prefer to choose candidates, looking at a lot of applications and making the acquaintance through correspondence summary, for less important positions configurable software robot. Her task is to sort the hundreds of resumes by keywords and additional algorithms to show the most worthy candidates. This system, like any other, has pros and cons, equally important for employers and job seekers. Certainly for the employer, this screening is most at hand — instead of hundreds of the same resume, not of particular interest, you will need to view a dozen from the most skilled and experienced workers. Hand robots in Switzerland, and applicants with a good track record that will be displayed on the top row of search

results, thereby accelerating the chances to quickly find a job. Disadvantages, however, exacerbate the situation for the unemployed without much experience can hurt potential candidates, made a little mistake. The problem is that robots in Switzerland have quite limited capabilities, and therefore each CV should be customized under a certain cliche. First of all, no matter how creative the candidate was not in reality, for the machine it will not matter. In addition, if the candidate has working experience in a reputable firm, he will not get to the top of the list because of the filter system. Thus, a global automation, though an attractive idea for banks, industries, service and other organizations, not all of it may benefit, as demonstrated by the above example. Still the human factor, from time to time having a positive or negative color, is of great importance, and though the robots in Switzerland to take more and more jobs, to talk about the moment when they will completely replace living people with certain positions difficult.

5. The financial contribution of the state in the development of robotics.

Type NCCR robotics – the scientific research program funded by the The National Swiss Foundation. Its purpose is to unite the efforts of specialists from universities and high schools of Switzerland in the creation of the robots of the future and provide financial support to projects and developments in the field of robotics. Note technology has nothing to do with the tin woodsman or angular the steel creature that moves on wheels and waving arms and springs. Robots evolved and can now make images of attractive models, lovely affectionate dogs, and even grasshoppers, and their scope is becoming more wide. If earlier experts in robotics at the Federal Polytechnic schools Lausanne and Zurich and at the Institute of research in artificial intelligence Dalle MOLLE in Lugano should have been to seek funds for projects, but now, thanks Type NCCR robotics, robots have become one of the priority spheres of scientific activity and got the state subsidy. Namely – about 13,3 million francs for four years in for twelve years. So the future Swiss robot is provided. A new Federal program didn't hurt any one of the main areas of robotics and supports projects in five areas. In first, create robots in the image and likeness of beings as androids or mechanical insects. Second, cooperative robotics, the aim of which is coordination of multiple mechanical devices to perform a specific task. Separate sphere – the robots that serve people in everyday life: mechanical creatures with artificial intelligence ready to help with the housework or to play the role nurse. One of the most sought after areas of robotics which could not to cover the national programme, – development and manufacture of prostheses. Finally, support is received from now on and interdisciplinary area of research, balancing between sociology and mechanics, and dealing with the problems of integrating robots into life person. The program coordinator is the Federal Polytechnic school of Lausanne, where from now on is the national research center of robotics.

6. Da Vinci robot

The use of the Da Vinci robot in Switzerland Switzerland is recognized as one of the world leaders in the field of innovation in medicine. The result of this approach is a rather long life expectancy of the Swiss is more than 85 years. Their leadership in equipped clinics and the professionalism of the doctors leaves no doubt. Among the novelties that is already firmly entrenched in the Arsenal of doctors in Switzerland, you can select robotic system Da Vinci (da Vinci Surgical System). As you know, the first image of the robot introduced the world to Leonardo Da Vinci, he was well versed in the anatomy of the human body, and the active development of the use of robots in surgery occurred in 1980 when an American company introduced the world's first robot surgeon. Since 2000, the use of a robot was officially allowed. Therefore, we can say that robotic surgery is not such a novelty, she managed to pass the road test in more than 30 years. The Da Vinci robot has many benefits and with its help it is possible to perform the following operations: gastric bypass mitral valve repair ablation of heart tissue hysterectomy myomectomy thymectomy thyroidectomy tonsillectomy radical nephrectomy pyeloplasty bladder removal nephrectomy reimplantation of the ureter etc. In our days the production of robots Da Vinci is engaged in a U.S. company Intuitive Surgical Devices, hundreds of hospitals procured equipment (sold over two thousand units in 2016). The robot consists of a remote control and a mechanical surgeon. The robot has 4 arms, which directs the physician. Two hands submit the necessary tools, tertia directs the camera, a fourth arm serves as the assistant. The surgeon observes the area of operations in the multiplication, using a 3D-navigation and carefully produce all manipulations. It is therefore incorrect to believe that the operation conducted by the robot. The robot guarantees the precision of movement and minimum impact on the fabric and all decisions and technique lies with the relevant specialist. Every day growing application of robot in medicine. It can be used to carry out operations even in newborns and on a beating heart. In Switzerland, more than 50 clinics are using the robotic system Da Vinci in his work.                

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16.10.2017 -

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